25+ Travel Hacks For Nepal

Travel hacks in Nepal for Nepali
There are only few people who don’t like to travel, but we here at FromEverest love to travel. We have been traveling around Nepal and making travel content (especially videos @from.everest TikTok) since past 1 year. We believe in creating content to make your travel experience more seamless, informed and budget friendly, hopefully this blog will be informative to you.

Below, we have mentioned more than 20 travel hacks in 5 categories, that you can implement right away.
Please feel free to comment if you have any questions. We would do our best to answer them.

Following are the categories of the Travel hacks.

  1. Trending Travel Places
  2. Travel Location
  3. Travel Research
  4. Group Travel & Money Management
  5. Expectation vs Reality

Let’s get started, with some must know travel hacks.

  1. Use the data-saving maps available offline for navigation. Like with google maps you can download a portion of area for office use, located in my maps function.
  2. Use local transportation options like shared taxis and microbuses for more affordable and immersive travel experiences. While it might be appealing to travel in private vehicle, if you want to experience the local culture and get to know the people, local transportation is better option.
  3. Pack a portable power bank to stay charged while on the go. If you are thinking of getting one , try getting the one with at least 20,000mAh capacity.
  4. Try street food for a delicious and affordable taste of local cuisine. We mostly try out different restaurants and check all their menus, but the best place to eat might just be the one where there are to menus to look at, explore local eateries.
  5. Respect the environment by properly disposing of waste and practicing eco-friendly tourism and get free good karma, how lucky.

Now, let’s dive into categories with number one being,

Travel Hacks for Trending Travel Locations

  1. Avoid peak travel seasons to avoid crowds and find lower prices. Most of the places that are trending have a huge amount of people, especially during holidays. So, make sure your travel experience is not filled with people’s head. Plan and check if the location is in good condition or not.
  2. Take advantage of local homestays for a more authentic and affordable travel experience. We know that there is no place as home, with that said homestay culture is growing in Nepal. More professional homestays with sperate rooms and toilets are being opened. Try homestay for your next travel plans and maybe it will be just right for you.
  3. Consider booking a tour or package to simplify travel planning and maximize time. Especially if you are travelling with your family or relatives and you don’t want to figure out how to travel and where to stay. This might be a good option for you if your budget is flexible.
  4. Lastly, you should adjust your travel timeline according to local festival or events happening at your travel destination. This is not a must but if you want to experience local culture and festival at the time of your travel, this is an option.

Travel Hacks Based on Location

  1. Travel for a music festival or some kind of event, while your main purpose of travel may not be sightseeing, you can take the benefit of enjoying the location because you are already there.
  2. In Nepal there are a lot of travel destinations that are high altitude. So “lake lagnai” altitude sickness is a real threat. You want to minimize threat by planning your itinerary according to elevation. Just don’t ignore the altitude sickness because you are born in Nepal.

Travel hacks for Travel Research

  1. Underline the important experience you want to have on your travel before deciding where and how to go to. If you know what kind of experience you want, then you can avoid the wrong ones.
  2. Check the itinerary that is most used and see with your budget and time what will work for you. Don’t plan from the start, customize your itinerary by asking people who have already been to that place.
  1. If you are confused about pricing and how much it will cost at hotel and activities, it’s best to call the local hotels and ask them. This will give to the actual up to date information about the place. You can also ask things like the best time to come, what it the hotel cost and what is the condition of the place. They will be happy to help, as they also want the business.
  2. Use Google Maps to get an idea of the distance between places you want to visit. Especially if are travel multiple places in a single day.
  3. Search for travel blogs and YouTube videos to get a feel for the destination. So that you get the right vibe to travel there. This is important as it will help set your expectation on the destination.
  4. Consider contacting some local friend or guide to show you around and give you insider tips. Often time we travel to awesome destinations but don’t go to the best places of the area. If you have someone who knows the places, it will be really elevate your experience.
    Travel Hacks for Group Travel & Budget Management
  5. Collect the group expenses/money before starting to travel. With that you don’t have to worry about asking for money every time. Making your experience more seamless and worry less about the expense.
  6. If you are travelling in budget. It’s important to know what your priority is. Is it a fancy hotel room or is it food? Since you are on budget you got to allocate your money according to your priority, to have the best possible experience.
  7. Use Fanny Pack or Money Belt to store all your money close to yourself. Not only your money is safe. You also don’t have to always search for your purse when need to pay for something.

Travel Hacks Expectations vs Reality

  1. Be open to new experiences and embrace the unexpected. Focus on the experience, not just the destination. Often, it’s out the journey than the destination.
  2. Plan a flexible itinerary to allow for unexpected events or changes. Nothing goes just as planned be open to change.
  3. Read travel blogs and reviews to get a realistic idea of the destination.
  4. Remember that travel is about creating memories and having new experiences, not just ticking items off a checklist.

With all said, we don’t really need to plan to enjoy ourselves. Like they say, the most fun travels are the ones that are not planned.
Hopefully, with these travel hacks you are now more equipped to travel around Nepal and get the most amazing experience our beautiful country Nepal has to offer.

3 thoughts on “25+ Travel Hacks For Nepal”

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