How to find an international remote job

In this blog, I will be sharing with you tips and strategies on “How to find international remote jobs.” 

Why would you want an international remote job?

Why do you wanna do that? Even if you are job-hunting or already working at some company, even if you already have working experience or are fresher, right out of college, or even if you are in college actually…

  1. Because they pay in international standards which is higher than what you would get paid for doing the same job in a Nepali company or companies from most countries outside of the USA and Europe. 
  2. The work culture is usually really good compared to companies in Nepal excluding some companies that have really good culture here in Nepal. 
  3. The learnings, opportunities, exposure and networking from International companies give you a higher leverage in the long term. Meaning? This will help when securing other international jobs as well as jobs in Nepal. 
  4. Location independence and asynchronous working culture

And why would you listen to me? Because I’ve followed exactly the steps that I am going to share and landed an international job in Iceland. Check out my LinkedIn profile for details.

Step-by-step guide to find an international remote job

Now, that you’ve established that you wanna get an international remote job, if you don’t want to do so, you can kindly skip this blog post. Here are the steps to secure one for yourself:

  1. Pick an industry niche you wanna work in (social media, digital marketing, product analytics, software engineering, ML/AI/DS/DA/BI, etc). This should be based on your skills and past experiences.
  2. Make a list of 100 companies working in those niches. Since all companies use tech in some way, there is a chance that you’ll complete making the list easily pretty fast.
    1. Google search “50 digital marketing agencies in the US,” search in job portals, linkedin, glassdoor, indeed. Company name, link and vacancy link if they already have one.
    2. Prioritize companies in Europe, because they have better work culture than in the US, then US and mix some from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, other countries from south east Asia and finally India as well.
    3. If you are looking for working in venture backed startups, prioritize looking for companies that are in seed or pre-seed stage. They are more likely to notice you and hire people from Asia, etc. Series A and beyond will already be too big and they will be like big corporate companies and hence will be difficult to get noticed by recruiters and enter the company.
  3. Create/update your LinkedIn profile. I’ve used Indeed, Glassdoor among other platforms and LinkedIn seems to work the best for me and a lot of the people in my network. Moreover, jobs in other portals are also linked in LinkedIn so that is a better choice for us. Here is mine. You can go ahead and send me a connection request as well and check out mine for reference while building yours. Make sure your headline, bio and projects and experiences section demonstrates experiences and projects in the field of work you are applying in. 
  4. Create:
    1. CV template. You will need 4-5 different CVs with different titles and some minor tweaks for different job applications. Use canva for this.
    2. Cover letter template that you can change name of company and some value proposition based on what they are looking for. Where text input, paste the text, where file upload field, upload pdf by designing this in Canva.
  5. Go to ChatGPT, and create two scripts ready
    1. The LinkedIn connection request note
    2. A short crisp value proposition offer
  6. Search the company from your list on LinkedIn:
    1. Start sending connection requests to at least 3 people from one company with the note that you prepared earlier. After doing this for all 100 companies, you’ll have reached out to 300+ people.
    2. Alongside this, go to the companies website career page and linkedin jobs section and see if they have any vacancies matching what you are looking for. Apply there as well
    3. If they don’t have a vacancy, they will usually have email in their career page. Send an email there with your intro, value prop from ChatGPT synthesis and send them.
    4. If someone accepts a connection request, you can message them. Message them with the value prop message generated for ChatGPT.
    5. Ideally, for each company, you will send 3 connection requests with note, applying in their linkedin job portal, apply in their careers page, and send them an email saying you’ve applied and here are your previous work and value prop and that you’re looking forward to hearing from them.
    6. Repeat this until you get a positive response and carry with the flow. They’ll call for an interview, etc. and viola, you will have your first international remote job. 

That is it. Hope that you will land the job that you are looking for. If you are interested to learn about the copies, notes, value propositions that I used, and how my application and interview processes went, please comment below. I might release that blog in the future, depending upon the number of requests that I received in the comments. Moreover, if you have any additional questions and queries, drop them in the comments and I’ll see you again next time. 

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